
In today’s world, increasingly more organizations are opting for customer service platforms that optimize their channel of customer communication delivery. Being digital-first has become an essential part of ensuring business continuity but with that comes the required need to adjust to the ever-changing digital landscape.

IT leaders in low-code from CLEVR Low-Code Consultancy Firm have recently announced their 2022 predictions and trends that could shape low-code platform businesses throughout the next year.

1. Developer Shortages and Internal Mobility

Up and re-skilling employees is a great way to create a multimodal workforce, but it will become a necessity as we continue to see a steady decline in professional IT developers. The pandemic sparked a push for accelerated digital transformations and digital-first strategies and the availability of software developers began to dwindle. Now, companies must find other ways to make up for this shortage to keep up with competitors in their industry.

This means that employees already working within a company will have to take over the responsibilities of their product developer. Low and no-code platforms will help companies make this transition easily with their citizen-friendly designs.

2. Faster and More Innovative Digital Experiences

Low-code companies must begin providing customers with better digital experiences with faster releases of platforms that feature top-quality quality features. Customers today want products on demand but expect the most from their decision to buy and use. By dually streamlining the process of low-code software platform optimization and product marketing, customers can purchase an all-around efficient and innovative product as quickly as possible while low-code solution providers surpass their industry competition.

3. Self-Learning Workflows

With the combined efforts of professional developers, up-skilled employees, and citizen developers and a low-code service with self-learning solution features, businesses will be able to develop artificial intelligence (AI) for their organizations. Artificial intelligence systems can learn adopt habits and performance outputs to automate task completion.

While AI can be used for a variety of tasks unrelated to business management and optimization, it would further allow organizations to streamline their workflows and save time, effort, and manual labor. Digital twins will become a major trend amongst a multitude of industries, notably industry manufacturers, which can lead to better performance in their market sector.

4. Acceleration through Innovation

Innovating existing products is a great way to save time and money while almost always guaranteeing a better quality service platform. Citizen developers who use no-code platforms serve as a great advantage to professional IT developers. By building off existing citizen developer-made platforms, professional developers using low-code development platforms can get a head start on creating a more advanced workflow system

More organizations will begin utilizing low-code and no-code solutions to shorten the time required to put out a better-quality product while ensuring the customer with a better overall experience.

Trends in the low-code industry will continue to evolve as digitalized business functionality increases in the necessity for the survival of any organization. Keeping up with predicted trends throughout 2022 can keep your business ahead of the game, allowing for better customer satisfaction and increased nobility in the industry.