
LOS ANGELES, Calif. – June 21, 2021 – Eccentex, a leading low-code platform and omnichannel software company, announced today the appointment of John Cunningham as Director of Business Development for Energy and Utilities.

John’s focus is to work with our strategic partners to design new innovative solutions for asset-intensive industries that create cost-reduction opportunities and agile development capabilities. AppBase is a flexible platform, hosted on Microsoft Azure, that provides organizations with increasingly necessary case management and omnichannel tools that not only improve the end user experience but also the employee’s as well.

“Experience has taught me,” said John, “that it is often disparate systems failing the organization that lead to massive inefficiencies for large organizations, especially within Energy, Telco, Utilities, and so on. The fractured legacy approach burns away at IT’s time and doesn’t provide executives with a good picture of what’s going on internally. Eccentex’s technology bridges these gaps for businesses and equips everyone from the front to back office with the crucial information they need to create more efficient workflows and better customer experiences.”

John brings four decades of enterprise sales and operations experience to Eccentex. In his sales leadership and C-level roles, John has excelled at growing revenue opportunities and closing large deals across industries. He started with Unisys and was recognized as the highest achieving Sales Executive and Manager for three years in a row. Recently he was working with LGR Telecommunications where he was responsible for Sales and Solution Development across Australasia, the Pacific, Asia, as well as Latin and South America.

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About Eccentex

Eccentex delivers software for customer service, customer journey automation and back-office automation. Eccentex’s flexible, unified AppBase Platform – empowers people to rapidly deploy, easily extend, and change applications to meet strategic business needs.

Over its history, Eccentex has delivered award-winning capabilities in case management and business process automation (BPM) powered by automation and form management, to help the world’s leading brands and governments achieve breakthrough results.