
You may think it is a bad idea to compare car buying with selecting a Case Management solution but, in both cases, making an educated decision is quite similar. Here is why.

First, you may think all Case Management solutions are very similar – just like cars – at least at a high level. All passenger cars have wheels, engines, seats, a steering wheel, and they may vary based on power, features, fuel efficiency, price, etc., but ultimately they all serve the same purpose of taking you and your family from point A to B.

At this high level, all Case Management solutions may look very similar as they all serve the same purpose to manage cases.

However, if you dive deeper, you’ll immediately find some important differences that can determine how you can use them more efficiently and the use cases that make sense for you.

Back to the example of cars, a Tesla Model S is probably not the best choice for use in certain terrains, like in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. This is not only because it has a smaller chance of finding a 24/7 supercharger station in the area, but also because its’ body design is not optimized for rocky roads, even though it has 4-wheel drive and a powerful motor to easily deal with steep roads in other conditions.

In the world of Case Management – especially if you have experience with how customer service, claims management, investigations or other non-linear processes work in reality – you may quickly realize why traditional (workflow type linear processing engines) can reach their limitations as soon as exceptions need to be handled.

Today, in our focused delivery of CX services, everything is about how you can resolve exceptions quickly and conveniently the same way you manage standard customer processes.

Think about this; if the customer was able to use your standard processes, your self-service channels or web portals, they might not even call your customer service at all.

They are most likely calling for human assistance because they were not able to go through your normal processes. In this scenario, the chances of applying some exception handlings are quite high.

If you want to deliver superior customer experiences across all customer service processes, it is not enough to have great self-service and process automation systems in place. You also need a support system that enable your employees to handle all possible exceptions in a quick and understandable way.

Here is where next generation Case Management systems come into play. These modern Cloud based HyperAutomation platforms can orchestrate the customer engagements at any phase in their service journey based on contextual awareness and a Customer360 view.

These systems must have at least four key capabilities that allow for maximum flexibility to handle exceptions while also automating everything that needs no human support.

1. Real-time Customizable Workflows

The next generation of Case Management systems allows users and employees to create custom workflows – without stopping the system – that can be tailored to the specific needs of their organization. This feature allows users to create ad-hoc workflows that support non-linear case processing, without requiring any new software components or customization. Due to built-in visual process designers, users of these systems do not require IT support to create and deploy new or modified processes on the fly.

2. Capability to Handle Multiple Case Types

These systems can support multiple case types under the same business rule framework. It allows organizations to create separate workflows for different types of cases, such as investigations, service requests and complaints under a consistent policy and procedural framework, which can be used by different employees or business units through a universal desktop. It also ensures corporate level compliance, standard data models and reporting without process level design considerations.

3. Embedded Document and Knowledge Management

Modern Case Management systems must have built-in document and knowledge management capabilities that allow users to create, store, manage and share documents or knowledge relevant to open cases. These essential capabilities can be helpful for organizations that need to keep track of large amounts of documentation in a consistent way with low effort.

4. Platform level AI Services

Today’s Case Management systems must have various AI and HyperAutomation capabilities that help companies to orchestrate process steps, connect workflows and ensure consistency without sacrificing customer or employee experience. These shared “smart” services can detect exceptions, process discrepancies, and catch fraud or policy violations in a seamless way while being able to initiate corrective actions before the customer experience or company interest are affected. These AI services need to be built in a way that makes them integrate with built in process automation capabilities and 3rd party AI services as well.

If you are considering buying an Enterprise Case Management solution that is able to support CX focused process automation and flexible exception handling, while also leveraging the power of co-operating AI services, visit eccentex.com to discover what you can expect from a modern Case Management platform.

Tibor Vass – CMO of Eccentex