
What is HyperAutomation

HyperAutomation as a term was originally introduced by Gartner in 2019, their definition was:

“Hyperautomation is a business-driven, disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. Hyperautomation involves the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools or platforms, including: artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, event-driven software architecture, robotic process automation (RPA), business process management (BPM) and intelligent business process management suites (iBPMS), integration platform as a service (iPaaS), low-code/no-code tools, packaged software, and other types of decision, process and task automation tools.” – Source Gartner Glossary

Here is my updated definition that involves my cross-vertical experiences and considers the most recent technology developments across the Business Automation market.

HyperAutomation is a comprehensive set of business applications and software tools that allows companies to automate their business processes from self-service portals through front office and back-office operations, regardless of whether those processes are marketing, sales or service related.

HyperAutomation contains the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools, platforms, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) – including Generative AI, Machine Learning (ML), Event-driven Software Architecture, Business Process Management (BPM) Operational CRM (OCRM), Smart Knowledge Base (SKB), Email Automation, Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), Low-code/No-code Application Development Tools, Packaged Software, and other Decisioning Support, Process and Task Automation Tools like Dynamic Case Management (DCM), Self-service Applications, Web Portals, Mobile Apps, Concierge Bots, and so on.

Not long ago, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was one of the key components of HyperAutomation, and it is still playing an important role in Business Automation today. However, this tool remained on the edge of the solution mix and is now mainly used when other types of automation solutions cannot be implemented either due to time constraints or for cost/benefit considerations. RPA serves as a quick fix, but it is a temporary solution that is capable of robotizing boring and repetitive tasks that otherwise must be performed by humans.

What we have learned so far

Based on our experiences, HyperAutomation is an orchestrated ecosystem of multiple Business Automation solutions. In an ideal world, it would tightly connect all those components – like a human nerve system – and uses a common platform structure that enables the solution components to share data, resources, knowledge and enables real-time collaboration between applications and their users to jointly deliver the desired business outcome.

During our decade long solution delivery practice, we gathered a lot of valuable knowledge and insights across all major business verticals and their core operational processes. During this long journey we learned how the HyperAutomation Ecosystem components can be, and should be, integrated and how to deliver the most valuable business outcomes in the shortest possible time with lowest possible effort.

That’s why we created HyperAutomation Cloud. It’s not just a set of Business Automation Solutions, but also an Intelligent Cloud Platform that connects and orchestrates all embedded business applications and shared AI services in a frictionless way.

The AppBase platform also serves as a No-Code/Low Code development tool that enables businesses to create new applications and process automation tools quickly and effortlessly.

How HyperAutomation Can Help

If you are still in on-premise operation mode or need support to design, deploy and operate your public cloud-hosted process automation solution, you can start your Digital Transformation journey with our HyperAutomation as a Service™ offer. No upfront investment, no cloud developer and operation resources needed. We will deliver your customer experiences on behalf of you.

HyperAutomation Cloud is designed to be the future of Business Automation, equipped with all the capabilities and tools you need to automate your core processes, ensure frictionless Customer Experiences, develop effective and user-friendly Business Applications, and enable platform level connectivity across Self-Service, Front Office and Backoffice processes.


If you want to learn more about HyperAutomation Cloud visit our website (Eccentex.com) or follow me on LinkedIn to receive updates about the future of Business Automation.

Tibor Vass CMO of Eccentex