
Customer Story – FairWay Resolution

Delivering digital transformation during a pandemic


One secure, centralized case management system


Increased productivity with automation and self-service


Real-time integration with core systems


Ability to deploy system changes in minutes instead of days

FairWay Resolution

Public Sector

Dynamic Case Management

Products and Services
Eccentex AppBase
Eccentex Professional Services

New Zealand

A leading dispute resolution and conflict management organization sees improved technological efficiency and quality, whilst reducing strain on administrative staff.

Challange and vision:

FairWay case management transformation

FairWay is New Zealand’s leading dispute resolution and conflict management organization. They handle over 16,000 cases each year — of all kinds and levels of complexity, including medical, insurance, financial services, telecommunications, family, local government, building and construction, school and workplace disputes.

Supporting staff and contractors, including dispute resolution practitioners (adjudicators, reviewers, mediators and conciliators) and coordinators, requires a robust case management system. While their existing systems had served them well for 7 years, FairWay grew and diversified, their needs developed, and they needed case management systems that could develop with them.

Managing the scope whilst delivering a new system that would meet the latest business requirements was a challenge.


FairWay’s digital transformation started before the pandemic, but at a core stage in the project, the global crisis emerged. FairWay was still able to serve New Zealanders during the pandemic, and with their full team working remotely, they chose to progress with implementation despite their lockdown.

“We wanted a secure case management system that would match our business aspirations. The platform enables us to effectively deliver our services today and meets our future needs because it’s fully flexible and scalable.”

– Rhys West, CEO, FairWay Resolution

How Eccentex helped:

Delivered in the middle of a pandemic

FairWay chose Eccentex AppBase for their new modern Case Management solution. Together Eccentex and FairWay achieved the following:

  • Decommissioned legacy systems and integrated with core systems.
  • Streamlined and automated a new dynamic workflow that fully aligns with the latest business process.
  • Implemented a rostering and calendaring module for users to manage their own availability and workload.
  • Automated electronic file receipts, document parsing and case creation.
  • Migrated complex data and documents while maintaining integrity.
  • Deployed a secure cloud solution to enable staff and contractors to work-from-home and support flexible work patterns.
  • Enabled the business to adapt the solution without relying on external developers.

FairWay’s Digital Team deployed the AppBase solution to employees, contractors, and partners in the middle of the global pandemic. With teams from Australia, the USA, the Ukraine and New Zealand, the project progressed despite the need to navigate lockdowns in four different nations.


Unifying on a future proof platform

Fairway is now better positioned to support their growing business for many years to come. New technologies improve efficiency and quality, whilst reducing strain on administrative staff.

AppBase now powers FairWay’s two biggest services as well as some critical internal support processes. Having seen the benefits of the new platform, FairWay is now embarking on the next phase, which will see the Case Management system expanded across all their services, enabling the retirement of vulnerable legacy applications and expensive on-premise hosting.

130 users (50 external)

1,500 cases a month

1.5 million documents

Get in touch with experts

The first step in digital transformation is understanding your existing capabilities along with your vision.