
What is Case Management Software?

Case management is defined as the people, processes and content required to complete a case end-to-end. Every case must have a clear beginning and end. But unlink traditional workflows, cases require more holistic approach to managing work that isn’t always repeatable. Cases’s typically orchestrate work across departments, bring data in from multiple systems and automate steps that typically had to be done by hand.

Case Management Software is a tool that managed case-based work end-to-end. It can range from general-purpose tracking software to specialized systems for legal matters, customer service, IT service requests, insurance claim process and more.

Case Management Software is sometimes referred to as Dynamic Case Management (DCM), Advanced Case Management (ACM) and Intelligent Case Management (ICM).

Isn’t it just Business Process Management (BPM) software?

Case Management is often considered an evolution of Business Process Management (BPM) that deals with case-based work rather than just consistently predefined steps. Its workflow can range from structured (e.g., customer onboarding) to unstructured (e.g., criminal investigation). Similarly, the data collected during case processing can be structured (e.g., auto insurance claim) to unstructured (e.g., construction change request).

Many software vendors have case management features within their BPM suites, but true case management systems typically have advanced features that support both predictable and unpredictable work. Organizations that standardize on a comprehensive case management solution typically have a better ROI because they can accomplish many different use-cases rather than just the structured workflow ones.

How did it evolve?

BPM software, like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), was a big hit because it was able to automate so many repeatable processes. But as the low-hanging fruit was picked, the next processes involved more people, more rules and more “exceptions” that became difficult to model.

Take, for example, a simple process of changing your address at a bank. In how many different systems does this address need to be changed? Are those systems connected? How do we verify your new address? What happens if you are moving to another country? Is there potential fraud happening because you changed your address 4 times this year? Does the bank need to notify a government agency of this? And who is responsible for making this all work?

This workflow can consist of a hundred individual steps, combine automatic and manual steps with hundreds of decision points. And the data to make those steps can live in multiple systems. It became clear that such multi-layered processes needed more than just workflow – it required a holistic approach that combined workflow, data, people, rules and much more. And it also needed all employees involved in the process to work in a single unified platform because training staff on how to differently resolve with every possible account change process was impossible.

Thus, Case Management Software was born. It took BPM to the next level.

How big of a problem does Case Management really solve?

We like to oversimplify it with “everything that could be automated has already been automated”. This leaves us with a large hole where humans need to make decisions one way or another. We’ve found that most process that requires multiple people, diverse content, human decision-making and automation will benefit from a Case Management system.

Most of the work done by government agencies, customer service teams, investigators and decision markets can be considered case-based work. Classical BPM still plays a massive role in automating very specific, repeatable sub-processes. Case Management is what lets organizations orchestrate this work end-to-end.

How Eccentex AppBase helps

Eccentex offer a Low-Code Platform for Case Management and Customer Service. This allows Eccentex to uniquely solve more complex problems that are common in mid-sized to larger organizations. For example, a Complaint Case can evolve into a Fraud Investigation Case that spans across multiple teams.

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