
Are you Genesys user? Check out how Eccentex ServiceJourney Integrates seamless with Genesys Cloud CX.

HyperAutomation Cloud

Advanced Email Automation

Customer Service centered email management solution that captures, triages, and automates large volumes of emails

email arabic

Automatically translate email between languages

If you are working on an international basis and need to support customers on multiple languages, you can save time and effort by leveraging the automated translation of any incoming email from and to any language (including logo graphic languages and right to left writing)

The Large Volume Email Handling Challenge

Email in customer service remains a popular support channel because it’s convenient, mobile-friendly and easily traceable.

However, in enterprise scale managing large volumes of emails comes with certain challenges.

  • Despite email being the preferred contact method for many customers, responses still need manual work and usually take 24 to 72 hours.
  • Agents either spend a lot of time crafting personalized responses or simply provide generic answers that force customers to contact the company through more expensive channels.
  • Supervisors are overwhelmed with manually triaging, re-assigning and re-prioritizing emails and managing escalations.

The Solution

  • Eccentex HyperAutomation Cloud provides advanced email features that go beyond a simple ticketing or help desk system.
  • ServiceJourney provides a Customer Service centered email management solution that enhances the contact center with email-to-case capabilities, content analysis, routing rules, SLAs, workflow, artificial intelligence and personalization.

Customizable solution that fit your service teams

Easily tailor ServiceJourney to support your customers’ needs and embed in your business processes. Configure distribution rules, set up priorities, match content with skills, leverage Generative AI to create personalized replies or set up auto-replies.

Use real-time sentiment and content analysis to better understand the customer context and automate repetitive tasks.

Capture, analyze, assign and track every email

Automatically classify, prioritize and assign emails to the most suitable agents based on AI assisted sentiment and content analysis, detected languages or keyword found in the email body or customer segment. Support your customers with highly personalized responses through a contact center embeddable solution that supports millions of monthly emails along with unlimited inbound and outbound email channels.

email context

Understand and provide context at every level

Leverage Generative AI to auto create hyper-personalized responses and automatically attach knowledge articles either from the internal knowledge base or directly from trusted public sources based on a real-time context analysis. Auto populate customer data from your CRM, billing or BI system and leverage elastics search to find all information you need.

advanced email

Seamless CCaaS Integration

Eccentex Advanced Email Automation solution is easily embeddable into any omnichannel contact center desktop through standard iFrame. Front Office agents can use all capabilities of Eccentex email management without leaving their primary customer engagement application.

Learn more about how Eccentex Advanced Email solution enhances the contact center agent productivity.


Advanced Email Automation features

Everything you need to run your customer service department through email communication.


Auto Assignment

Automatically delegate emails to agents based on condition rules, availability and priority.

Customer Context

Enrich the email view with real-time customer information and suggested responses.

Zero-Touch Rules

Determine when and how an email can be processed without an agent’s involvement.

SLA and Business Hours

Avoid SLA breaches with re-prioritization and proactive notifications.

Language & Brand Detection

Route and respond to emails consistently with the correct language and brand.


Track all your key performance metrics. Identify areas of improvement and fix them.

Eccentex | Low-Code Platform

Preferred Agent

Ensure a customer’s replies are handled by the same agent.


Further automate routing by connecting with other systems. Pull loyalty level, account number, more.

Eccentex | Low-Code Platform

Email Reassignment

Search across all captured emails and manually take ownership or reassign them to another queue.

Interaction Automation

Auto-answer emails, automatically set wrap-up codes and disconnect when agents are done.

Eccentex | Low-Code Platform

Email Parking

Stop working on an email to handle a higher priority interaction or schedule a response for a later time.

Multiple Email Actions

Allow agents to reply, forward and more without auto-disconnecting on the first action.

Enterprise-grade email management

ServiceJourney is great for mid-sized and large organizations that need an end-to-end solution
that meets their unique needs.

High volume

When you need it, ServiceJourney is designed to scale. From thousands of agents to millions of emails, we have you covered.



ServiceJourney supports localized and internationalized email templates, interfaces, self-service portals, articles and more.



Provide consistent service across different brands and product lines regardless if you have dedicated teams for each or a more complex cross-functional structure.


CCaaS ready

Route emails and screen-pop them along with real-time customer data right onto your contact center’s agent’s desktop. See an example with Genesys.


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